Here is an overview of CR's plan to support discipleship. This plan is evergreen: it is regularly reviewed and improved, as God's Spirit leads. It is assumed that people start with an interest in Jesus and thrive when they disciple disciplers. Three treks are provided to foster spiritual growth. The general weekly commitment for each trek is to participate in one large-group discipling gathering (e.g. a worship service) and one small-group discipling gathering (e.g. a Connexion Group or a meeting with a pastor).
Starting and Thriving States
Starting State: Interested in Jesus
Thriving State: Discipling Disciplers
Discipleship Treks
"Being Discipled" Trek :
Goal: Grow as a disciple of Jesus.
Participating in a Connexion Group (CG):
Being led through the 3-book 2:7 series from Nav Press
Meeting frequently with a CG Leader
Attending a CR Baptism Preparation Class
Attending a CR Membership Class
Participating in CR's Members Meetings (3 meetings per year)
Participating in CR's congregational worship services
Reviewing resources found at (including CRFoundation).
Meeting regularly with a pastor (e.g. every other month)
Privileged Commitment:
Large Group Discipling: once a week, both of the following
Worship Service (weekly) and
Members Meeting (3 times a year)
Small Group Discipling: once a week, one of the following
CG (weekly)
Meeting with a pastor (every other month)
"Discipling People" Trek:
Goal: Grow as a disciple of Jesus who disciples students of Jesus.
Participating in a Connexion Group (CG):
Leading people through the 3-book 2:7 series from Nav Press
Being led through The Ways of the Alongsider (Nav Press)
Meeting frequently with a CG Leader
Participating in congregational worship
Reviewing resources found at (including CREssentials).
Meeting regularly with a pastor (e.g. every other month)
Privileged Commitment:
Large Group Discipling: once a week, both of the following
Worship Service (weekly)
Members Meeting (3 times a year)
Small Group Discipling: once a week, one of the following
CG (weekly)
Meeting with a pastor (every other month)
"Discipling Disciplers" Trek:
Goal: Grow as a disciple of Jesus who disciples students of Jesus who actively disciple other students of Jesus.
Participating in Multipliers Training:
Studying and applying Titus at CR
Conducting Service Reviews
Learning to lead a CR ministry, e.g. Administration, Finance, Hospitality, Evangelism, Compassion, Music, and Communication
Serving as deacon/deaconess or elder
Taking CR's church planting internship
Reviewing resources found at (including CRChallenge).
Meeting frequently with a pastor (e.g. every month)
Privileged Commitment:
Large Group Discipling: once a week, both of the following
Worship Service (weekly)
Members Meeting (3 times a year)
Small Group Discipling: once a week, one of the following
CG (weekly)
Multipliers Training (once a month)
Meeting with a pastor (every other month)